+Personal Use
+Live Play License - Licensing for playing the track in clubs, pubs and bars with an unlimited crowd size, twitch DJ allowed, but for other online uses, read further down.
+Promotion - is allowed on youtube and it will be content-ID`ed. If you want to Dispute content-ID for license. Contact me about this.
+INCLUDED in Official Libraries - Licensing for social media platforms, For tiktock, facebook and instagram check the free audio libraries or Contact me about this.
+NOT INCLUDED - Licensing for use in short films, series, commercials and feature length projects. Contact me about this.
+NOT INCLUDED - Release Rights for Remixes, Edits and Bootlegs - Contact me about this.


Out Now!

Distant Howl

Out Now!

Terrain of Light (Remastered)

Out Now!

Call to war (new version spotify & beatport)

Out Now!

Fire & Ice (Soon)


Last of a Dying Breed


Why go out and get fucked up, when you can just fuck everything up instead.
